Friday 9 December 2022

Audience Feedback

Feedback on rough draft: The people I asked questions to was Pravini, Afsarah and Zayna. 

The questions I asked were:

What do you think of my idents?

Is there anything else we can add to my idents?

Do you understand the concept of my idents?

Can you see the idents clearly?

What do you think about the actors in these idents?

Afsarah said that my balloon ident that the camera was not in focus and the angle of how I took the shot wasn't ideal and that most of the time she just saw me putting the balloons on Areeba and not the actual ident, so she was confused on what the ident was about. Afsarah also said that the ident needs to have a bit more enthusiasm since I am trying to recreate an ident ITV 2 would have. Afsarah said that if I also add fun up-beat music that it would make my ident more entertaining. 

Zayna also said that she was a bit confused about what the ident was about. she also said that Areeba kept looking at the floor while recording while she came out of the balloon and not looking at the camera which is what she was supposed to do and said it would look better if she looks at the camera while coming out of the balloons. Zayna also said to add more balloons so that it looks more appealing to the audience.

Simona suggested that there should be a closeup on the balloons so that it doesn't show a lot of the cupboard because the balloons are supposed be filling up the cupboard with the person in it and that it would look more amusing if it looks like there's more balloons in there. Simona also mentioned that the camera wasn't really focus so it looked like the video was a little bit blurry, so if I put focus the camera my balloon ident would look better. For my other ident she also said that to crop a little from the bottom of the ident because you could mostly see the bed. Simona also pointed out that in some bits the ghosts head wasn't showing the head.

Thursday 8 December 2022

Draft idents

Rushes log for 2 idents


Monday 5 December 2022

Reflection week 3

 What i did last week: rough draft, started rushes log and filming improvements.

What i will do this week: Finish rushes log, audience feedback and analysis, finish filming, start first draft.


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