Thursday 29 September 2022

P1 - defining audio visual programmes

 Audio visual - means a product that contains visual imagery or sound. Audio visual promos are important tools that are used in media companies. An audio visual is released in advance of the new products launch dates to educate, inform, and entertain the audience and to also release sales of the final product being released or launched.

Before the new products are launched, companies would rely on these promotions so that it gains interest in a new product. Getting a promo right can have a significant impact on the interest of the new product.

Audio visual promos can be: music promos, trailers for a movie, Tv programmes, games, animations, TV ident.

Information - Audio visuals are used to provide information to the target audience regarding the final product.

Music promos - are short audio visual representations that are constructed to accompany a song released by a solo artist or band.

Educate - Audio visuals can also educate the audience because they provide key information that is relevant to the final product.

Entertain - Audio visuals are important for the release of a new film. They provide entertainment in their own way as they provide escapism for others.

Sell products - it also helps selling products by creating an interest among the target audience for the product.

Trailer for a film/Tv programme/animation/game - There are two types of trailers. A teaser trailer is the first stage of an advertising campaign. It will be released in advance for the film/TV programme/animation/game. A teaser trailer is usually scheduled nearer the release date of a trailer. A trailer is longer than a teaser trailer. Trailers use key elements of the final product.

Tv idents - Tv ident is a short audio visual sequence that is played for a bit before the show begins, which tells the audience what channel they are watching.

Wednesday 28 September 2022

P1, M1, D1 Understand the purpose of audio-visual promos

 Music Promo

Music promo is when the band or artist usually releases a music promo for one of their tracks taken from their new album in advance to the release date to provide their target audience with a sample of their work. 

An example for this is: 

This entertains the audience because it's a music video with a catchy beat that gets stuck on people's heads and it would also make the audience want to sing along with it too. The filming production is really good as well, this tends to catch people's eye because the quality is really good. This also sells products because of how popular the song is. It also has product placement in it like Chanel and timberlands. 

The audience varies from 41% that are 14-18 year olds, 39% of the audiences are 25-34 year olds  and 12% of audiences are 45-54 year olds. 55 year olds and above make up to 2%. The majority of the blackpink fans are females that are 66% while the 34% comes from males. The audiences would have an interest for poppy and catchy music and also the quality of the music video because some fans also major in film they like to see good camera work. Even though blackpink has a lot of fans all over the world, in the US that has the most blackpink fans. 

The audience would expect a fast paced music video because a typical blackpink music video is fast paced. Individual close-ups on each blackpink member and also high quality camera shots because a usual blackpink music video would have a high quality music video. The audience would also expect Lisa to be rapping since she's the main rapper of the group and Rose, Jisoo and Jennie to be singing while Jennie also rapping in this music video. In the beginning of the sound they made the video blurry for a second to give the audience a feeling of what is happening and who's there. The cuts is fast faced to show the thrill that the audience will get from watching it since it's a fast paced song it would make sense if the cuts and editing is fast too. When it's a members turn there is a close-up on each member so that the audience can see what member it is. This music video also has a sample of the song La Campanella with a hip hop element making the sound more modern. The props that they used is a car in the beginning of the music video, black masks with teeth on it, a diamond tank, a cup with pink liquid and ice, shutters, a pink umbrella, fake money, match sticks, black bathtub, sword with blackpink on it, polaroid camera, chandelier, gates.

This music video is about blackpink clapping back at the haters. throughout the song blackpink shut down naysayers with clever comebacks. In the first verse Lisa and Jennie always talk about being on the haters minds. " heads turning, careful, you might break your neck, pink ice drip , drip, drip, freeze em on sight". Then Lisa adds "Bark, because the leash on your neck is mine". This shows the issues of artists especially a group like blackpink who has so many haters. Throughout the whole music video they remade scenes that they did in other past music videos and that creates a nostalgic feeling towards the viewers that have been with them from the start.

One trailer for a film

A trailer is longer than a teaser trailer because it builds on elements and provides more information on the final film.

An example for this is:

This educates the audience because it's a superhero movie and how it's about an everyday guy who is gifted with amazing powers by chance and uses them to become a superhero. While also trying to balance his normal life with his superhero life. Spider-Man attempts to sell the movie to their audience while also entertaining them and making them buy tickets to go see the film in the cinema.
The target audience for Spider-Man no way from home says 8+ but it's mostly enjoyed by teenagers and adults and Spider-Man fans.  The audience expects a lot of fighting scenes with the villains, plot twists and also some humour in the movie.The trailer first starts with a quick montage from scenes for a few seconds. Right after they show the title which has a colour of Red and Blue which are the colours you think of when you think of Spider-Man. The music changes when there's a close up of (the main character) Peter's face to depressing music, the colours in that scene are also dim telling the audience that something horrible is happening. The music then speeds up again while the scenes are getting more hectic as well making the audience more excited. There is also some humour as well when MG said " i know a couple of magic words myself, which is the world please" Then doctor strange also says "Please scooby-doo this crap" which is showing that the movie isn't too serious. There is a lot of SFX like explosives, lightning, cars being destroyed, flying in the air. 

The Spider-Man trailer connotes the message with great power takes responsibility because as you see in the trailer Peter Parker wants everyone to forget about him except the people that are the closest to him. When he tells Dr Strange about it something went wrong with his magic because Peter was asking for too many things then something happened and all the villains from the other Spider-man movies got released. This also brings nostalgia to the audience because they get to see the villains from the previous Spider-Man movies which makes this movie even more unique since it's adding characters from before.

Trailer for an Tv programme:

This entertains and educates the audience because the recordings of a girl named Hannah Baker who committed suicide, helping her lover Clay Jensen uncover the story behind her suicide and also confronting each and everyone of those culprits who lead her to commit suicide. 

The target audience for this show is 17+ because it talks about suicide and mature language. 13 reasons why is a Psychological thriller and has drama elements. In the beginning of the trailer Clay Jensen one of the main characters was feeling nostalgic for Hannah who passed away. The music has a dark tone to it, with it slightly building up. There are a lot of close-ups on the characters faces showing the expression and emotion that they are having finding out Hannah's dead and her recording tapes. The trailer is how this is very serious and barely has any humour to it. The colour imagery is dark and gloomy. The audience is expecting the show to have a lot of drama, in a serious tone and probably some traumatic events. They're texts in between a few scenes "They're afraid to tell the truth" making it suspenseful for the audience that are watching.

13 reasons why connotes the message of being kind to others always, because it's unknown how your actions could affect them. In the trailer one of the characters Justin said "She's a crazy drama queen, who killed herself for attention". This shows the audience that even when someone is dead, other people will deny it and think that they did nothing wrong by saying that someone did it for attention.

Trailer for a game:

This entertains audiences that love playing games because it's praised for its mechanics and the balance of playing individually and also the necessity of teamwork. It also has regular map updates, bug fixes and many other additions so that the audience doesn't get bored of valorant and keeps playing, that's why there's so many people playing it on a daily basis.

The target audience for valorant is aimed at 13+ due to the violence in the game. There are 30 to 40% of females that play valorant and the rest are males. The audience would expect lots of violence, gun shooting, and fast-paced gameplay. There is fast editing to show the audience the thrill of playing the game. There are close-ups of the guns in the valorant trailer to show the audience's the main purpose of the game. There is a lot of SFX as well in this trailer with the bright colours of the gun shooting and the bright orb that's floating around. People that are interested in this game would most likely like how violent and fast- paced the game is.

Valorant takes place in a distant future version of earth, one that follows a mysterious event called the first light. Spanning the entire globe, first light transformed everything in sight. From developing a new technology called Radianite to creating government administrations. One generic code that valorant uses is narration. There is a narrator speaking over the footage explaining what's happening. The audience would expect good visual quality and also good gameplay. It appeals to the technical aspects by having sound effects like gun shooting and stabbing as well as building tension when someone is getting chased or shot at.

Trailer for an animation:

This animation educates children ( ages 4 - 5) because they're numbers and can teach children how to solve numerical problems in the real world. This also entertains the audience because of the animations. When the character the numbertaker comes in it makes it more entertaining because he is the villain of the show since he takes the numbers. 

The target audience is children. The audience (since they're children) would expect the animation to be fun with upbeat song tracks. The trailer is fast-faced to make the animation not boring for children. it's colourful which is an important thing because if the colours were dull the children wouldn't want to watch it. There's close-ups on the numberjacks while they are bouncing making it exciting and fun for the kids to watch. There is also narration in the background telling us what's happening with the numberjacks. The narrator is making his voice lively for the audience that are watching.

Numberjacks are a group of anthropomorphic numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 but 4 of them team up on a mission. Five who is a female that loves being a numberjack, six who is good with some tricks and jumps, 4 who is the smart one but is still unsure and three who is the younger one who is cheeky and funny. The reason for the numberjacks is for young children to solve simple math problem while also having fun doing it.

TV ident:

A tv ident is a short audio-visual sequence that is played in seconds before a programme begins.

The audience is the people watching the channel 

Tv idents is to inform the audience when the show is about to start or when the show is about to end and also during advert breaks. This technique can have more than one use, firstly to remind the audience the channel that they are currently watching on and to also to advertise the branding identity that is represented through the ident.

There isn't a specific audience that watches the Tv ident only when watching the channel. There's also no specific gender as well. The audience would expect the channel's name to be clear in the Tv ident as well as making it unique so that it doesn't look the same as any other Tv ident. It's an animation that's supposed to entertain the audience for a few seconds while they are waiting for their favourite show to come out. A generic code that is used is the ident's music and audio (sound effects). The music makes the ident unique and whenever the audience hears it, they would know where it comes from.

There is also narration describing what show is coming next and it also makes sense on what the lions are doing and what the narrator is saying (they are matched together). The ident itself uses animations and the audience would be entertained by the animations that are showing. The Tv ident is just animations with no actors except from the narrator. It just shows a lions that has E4 writing all over it that is leaping to another lion.

The Spider-Man trailer, Valorant and 13 reasons why trailer work in a similar way because they are entertaining the audience showing them the most dramatic and entertaining parts of the movie/show/game. With showing the audience a little bit of the story line and stunts with Spider-Man to having a narrator tell the story with 13 reasons why and why you should play valorant by showing the audience what kind of guns and other equipment that the games have. Since Spider-Man was produced by Sony Pictures which also produced many marvel movies like Avengers: Endgame since the audiences like marvel movies they would most likely like Spider-Man as well since it was produced by the same company. The company that made valorant is Riot games and they are also a popular company which also made league of legends which is also a popular game, they would attract audiences that play that game and also more since it would be a new game. Trailers and videos like Blackpink: Shut down and Spider-Man no way from home entertain the audience while Numberjacks and E4 Tv ident informs and educates the audience. E4 Tv ident informs you when the show is going to start, in the middle of an advertisement and also when it's going to end. With 3D animations and visuals to get the audience's attention. While the Numberjacks educate the audiences (which are children) and also has 3D animations to grab the audiences attention. The audience that watches Numberjacks can learn something but also be entertained at the same time. In the opinion the trailer i think was the most effective and why is Spider-Man no way from home because there is narration in the trailer telling you what's going on. There's fast-paced scenes to entertain and grab the audience's attention. There is also a lot of SFX like explosives and lightening that are capturing the audience's attention and making them stay tuned to watch. There is also some humour in the trailer making the audience laugh and making them want to watch the movie even more.


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