Thursday 29 September 2022

P1 - defining audio visual programmes

 Audio visual - means a product that contains visual imagery or sound. Audio visual promos are important tools that are used in media companies. An audio visual is released in advance of the new products launch dates to educate, inform, and entertain the audience and to also release sales of the final product being released or launched.

Before the new products are launched, companies would rely on these promotions so that it gains interest in a new product. Getting a promo right can have a significant impact on the interest of the new product.

Audio visual promos can be: music promos, trailers for a movie, Tv programmes, games, animations, TV ident.

Information - Audio visuals are used to provide information to the target audience regarding the final product.

Music promos - are short audio visual representations that are constructed to accompany a song released by a solo artist or band.

Educate - Audio visuals can also educate the audience because they provide key information that is relevant to the final product.

Entertain - Audio visuals are important for the release of a new film. They provide entertainment in their own way as they provide escapism for others.

Sell products - it also helps selling products by creating an interest among the target audience for the product.

Trailer for a film/Tv programme/animation/game - There are two types of trailers. A teaser trailer is the first stage of an advertising campaign. It will be released in advance for the film/TV programme/animation/game. A teaser trailer is usually scheduled nearer the release date of a trailer. A trailer is longer than a teaser trailer. Trailers use key elements of the final product.

Tv idents - Tv ident is a short audio visual sequence that is played for a bit before the show begins, which tells the audience what channel they are watching.

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