Wednesday 30 November 2022

Reflection week 2

 What I did last week: Staring my filming but figuring out how do to my ident

What I'm going to do this week: Do my rough draft of one of my idents. Do a rushes log. Do audience feedback and analysis.

Monday 21 November 2022

Reflection production - week 1

Last week - blowed up balloons for my ident. Did a green screen for my ITV 2 ident and also picked out what copyright free music i'm going to use.

This week - Start filming my ITV2 balloon ident and probably finish it and start editing

Thursday 10 November 2022

Location recce - Khairun's house

Location recce - classroom

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Legal and ethical issues



Monday 7 November 2022

Work plan

 My aim is to finish two 30 second idents. I would need to use my time wisely to get the best quality of work. I would be using my lessons in school to go film my tv idents. I will then film all the parts of my ident. When editing i would need to find music and sound effects for my ITV 2 ident or i'll have to make foley sounds.

Week 1: get all the equipment and props ready, Areeba is blowing the red balloon and throwing it to zayna and then the balloon bursts.

Week 2: i will get glow sticks and be in a dark room and make ITV 2 with it.

Week 3: i will be putting all my work in final cut pro and start editing them.

Week 4: i will complete my ident and receive audience feedback with it.

Week 5: will use the audience feedback and do any changes that need to be done.

Week 6: Start my evaluation.

Week 7: Finish anything that needs to be finished  


 I will be filming in school and at home.  I will borrow equipment with permission from the school and take it home. My backup location if i can't film in my house would be the classroom. I will with the other people that will take place in the ident for e.g. Areeba but if Areeba can't make it my backup is Zayna or Simona.

The props i will be needing for this ident is a camera with a tripod, a red balloon and glow sticks.

I will then edit my ident using final cut pro.

Friday 4 November 2022

Moodboard 2

Moodboard 1

Risk assessment - Khairun's room

Thursday 3 November 2022

Risk assessment - Classroom

Call sheets

Launch Date

 This TV ident will be released next year because ITV 2 has had the same idents for years so it would be nice to have a different ident in the new year. This would attract the audience because the Tv ident is fun and help people enjoy watching the ident while they wait for what programme they want to watch. It also relates the programmes that are on ITV 2 for e.g., like Love Island which is fun and lively to entertain younger audiences.

Activity list

Personnel list

Resources required


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