Thursday 13 October 2022


Freeview has approached me to 'refresh' the ident cycle for one of their channels. They are targeting channels like ITV 2 that will have a clear personality that reflects the channel, its audience and content.

The purpose of my ident is so that I can clearly show the personality of the ident. I can also sell the channel so that it gets more views from the audience.

For my ident I have chosen to rebrand ITV 2. Since ITV 2 always has fun TV idents for e.g., the tea spilling on all the teacups. There would be one person blowing the balloon up then playing with it, with the other person. Then it would suddenly pop and also would have the name of the Channel (ITV 2) halfway through the ident.

The music would be upbeat and dramatic with fast editing cuts that the ident is going to show. My target audience is 16–34-year-olds and this will appeal to them because the ident will have humour and fun scenes so that it can make the audience laugh while they are waiting for their favourite programme to come on. 

The medium I will be working in is live action because I am going to be using real life people that are doing activities.

I will be making two 30 second TV ident. The first one as i said is going to be someone blowing up the red balloon, playing with it with another person then it would pop. The second ident is going to be glow in the dark glow sticks that says ITV 2 on it.

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