Tuesday 3 January 2023


Post production report for ident 2

 Post production process -  I edited my clips on final cut pro, which was taking out the shots I don't require or putting shots in collectively. After that i uploaded my draft on YouTube and acquired any feedback from the audience that's watched it. I added shots that I thought needed to enhance my ident from the feedback I accessed. After completing my final ITV 2 ident i exported them to a master file and then uploaded it to YouTube.

Post production edits and transitions -  I didn't do much transitions. I cut out a few clips and also zoomed it slightly, so that you could see the ident clearer. With the ITV 2 logo i blended it in the background so you could see what the channel brand is.

Post production sound - I searched for a mysterious ghostly halloween copyright free music since this ident is about a ghost dancing with glow stick, so it matches the theme and aura of my ITV 2 ident. I then converted into an mp3 file format by using a Website that converts YouTube videos to an mp3 file. Afterwards i imported it underneath the shots for my ident.

Post Production Report for ident 1

 Post production process - I edited my shots on final cut pro. After that I uploaded my draft on YouTube and accumulated any feedback from the audience that's seen it. From my feedback i ameliorated my ident and fixed anything that needed to be fixed and completed my final ITV 2 ident I exported them to a master file and then uploaded it to YouTube.

Post production edits and transitions - I didn't do many transitions. I cut out a few shots and added some clips together so that the ident looks exceptional, some scenes i copied and pasted it so that it looks like its in reserve which would give it an engrossing semblance. I also zoomed in a lot in the balloon ITV 2 ident, so that you could see the ident clearer. With the ITV 2 logo i blended it in the background so it looks like the ident is from ITV 2.

Post production sound - I searched for buoyant copyright free music on YouTube to match the ambience of my ident. I then converted it to an mp3 file using a website that converts YouTube videos into an mp3 file format, then imported that file onto my ident in final cut pro.

Monday 2 January 2023

Production Journey of ident 2

 When we were recording this ident, we did it in my bedroom. I used a bedsheet as a cover for the ghost and i drew eyes and a mouth on it. I wanted this ident to be glow sticks themed so i stuck some glow sticks on Areeba (the ghost) because it would look more funny which was what i was going for. I also put my headphones on her because it looked better with it and it won't feel awkward when she is dancing. She's dancing to the music that's in the headphones.

Then i turned off the light to see if you would see the ghost properly but you couldn't see it that much. So i used the flash on my phone and put it somewhere so you could see it. The only problem of this ident was that Areeba couldn't see since it was dark and she was covered with a sheet, so she was stumbling a little.

When i was editing the clips i had to use the clips that matched what i was going for. I also put an ITV 2 logo in the corner of this ITV 2 ident to show that this is an ITV 2 ident. 

Mrs lowndes suggested on putting programmes from ITV 2 and their reactions of the ITV 2 ident since the ident by itself didn't give out the ITV 2 atmosphere. So i used one reaction from Love Island and it was of them laughing and i put one of those reactions because since my ident is supposed to have a funny/spooky atmosphere. I also used another reaction from another programme that ITV 2 aired.

I also used copyright free music which was spooky music from Youtube and converted it into a mp3 file format and then i uploaded it and put it on YouTube.


Production Journey of ident 1

 When i was shooting my first ident it took a while because we had to blow up balloons and see if they were enough, the first time i did the balloons it couldn't fit the cupboard so i had to go get some more the next day. Then there was the struggle of putting someone inside the balloons and making sure the camera doesn't see the person that's inside the balloon and it took a long time because the balloons kept falling down and wasn't stable. I had to change the person that was in the balloon plenty of times because they didn't have time or didn't want to do it again. 

I also used a softbox light stand to make the ident stand out and have a better quality. The light helped with making everything more bright and it definitely helped with the ident. I printed out an ITV 2 logo that would go well with the theme and stuck it to the door that had the balloons in them to emphasize that we are doing an ITV 2 ident.

Then when we were recording and got all the balloons onto the person it was hard doing many shots with that and retaking it because when the balloons fall down, we didn't get the take we wanted we would would have needed to put the balloons on that person again. Which took time, that's why this ident was a little harder to make.

The person that i came to the conclusion of filming with os Afsarah because she acted it out perfectly and looked thrilled and she doesn't look like she's faking it.

Then i started editing, cutting out bits that i don't need and putting the clips together. It took a while putting the clips together because there would be people talking where they shouldn't and i'd have to cut out that out but also make sure that the clip looks fine after the cut.

I also used an ITV 2 logo and put it in the corner of my TV ident and how i did it was with photoshop. I also used copyright free music from Youtube and converted it into an mp3 file format. The music is supposed to give a cheery atmosphere since the ident should be exciting and entertaining with balloons and people jumping out of them.

After I put all the edited clips together and music, i uploaded it and then put it on YouTube.



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